Campus Career Resources

Pitt graduate and professional students can access a variety of resources across campus that offer support related to careers and professional development.

students sit outside to study amid pink blossoming trees on sunny spring day on campus
Featured Event

Fourth Rivers Solutions (4RS) will be hosting a Meet the Expert Series designed for PhD, MS, and Postdoc students in STEM fields. This series of expert-led workshops will provide participants with hands-on experience in key areas such as market research, competitive analysis, regulatory assessments, and more.

Meet the Expert Series
Mondays, March 17, 24, and 31, and April 7, and 14
5:30-7:30 p.m., online or in-person
Register for Meet the Expert Series

Career Center

The Career Center provides resources and services to help Pitt students succeed during their career journey. Explore the career resources and communities housed in Pitt Career Central, where you also can find a channel dedicated to the graduate student audience, as well as related events.

Center for Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL)

As a member of the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) network since 2012, Pitt supports a University-wide learning community consisting of a diverse and vibrant group of graduate students, postdocs, and faculty members who together discuss their own teaching-as-research and critically examine the work of others in the community and the larger field.

Humanities Engage

Humanities Engage is across-disciplinary project that strives to re-imagine the Humanities doctorate in ways that broaden and deepen the intellectual and professional development of all PhD students.

Office of Academic Career Development, Health Sciences (OACD)

The Office of Academic Career Development, Health Sciences (OACD) provides graduate and medical students, postdoctoral associates and scholars, residents, clinical associates, and faculty in the schools of the health sciences (the Schools of Dental Medicine, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, and Public Health) with the academic career development support meant to support high achievement and professional success.

University Center for Teaching and Learning

The University Center for Teaching and Learning (The Teaching Center), with support from the Office of the Provost, strives to inspire excellence and innovation in teaching, learning, and scholarly activities at the University of Pittsburgh. Utilize the Teaching Center for educational resources, assistance with classroom technology and tools, workshops and training, teaching support, and other learning initiatives.

Also see its dedicated section on the Graduate Student Teaching Initiative.

University Library System

Pitt's University Library System (ULS) offers support for each step of a graduate student's academic path not only through its vast collection, but also through the expertise of ULS staff and the workshops, individual consultations, and orientation sessions they offer.