The goal of the Provost’s Dissertation Completion Fellowship is to support doctoral students who have exhausted all existing sources of funding and anticipate defending their dissertation in the term in which they receive the fellowship. The fellowship provides dedicated time for research doctoral students to focus full-time on finishing their dissertation during their last term of doctoral studies.
Students must have their dissertation proposal/overview approved by April 30, 2025, in order to receive the Fall 2025 fellowship.
The fellowship includes Full-Time Dissertation Study (FTDS) tuition and fees (excluding the student activity fee), individual medical insurance coverage, and a stipend equal to the teaching fellow stipend for one term.
Since the fellowship is designed to allow students to focus exclusively on their research and writing, it cannot be used in combination with any other source of financial support (e.g., fellowship/scholarship, grant, graduate assistantship, job at another institution/employer) without prior approval.
It is expected that the student will submit their approved dissertation during the fellowship term and will not receive additional funding from the University thereafter.
Fall 2025 funding:
- Applications due April 21, 2025.
- Students must have their dissertation proposal/overview approved by April 30, 2025.
To be eligible, the doctoral student must be/have:
- Enrolled in a PhD program in a participating school at the University of Pittsburgh (Arts and Sciences, Business, Computing and Information, Dental Medicine, Education, Engineering, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Public Health, Public and International Affairs, Nursing, Pharmacy, Social Work).
- Documented an approved dissertation proposal/overview by the due date listed above.
- Exhausted all other sources of funding, including multiyear guaranteed funding offers from their school or department and all possible TA/TF/GSA/GSR/fellow appointments and assignments.
- On track to submit their approved dissertation during the fellowship term.
Students who have already received a Provost’s Dissertation Completion Fellowship or another dissertation completion fellowship are not eligible.
Required Application Materials
1. InfoReady Application Form
2. CV (please include all prior fellowships)
3. Personal Statement (600-word maximum*) that includes:
- Description of dissertation research (focus, research design, and significance to your field and society),
- Work plan/timeline that provides monthly or bi-weekly milestones, an anticipated dissertation defense date, and anticipated submission of approved dissertation. (Note: we recommend that you discuss this timeline with your advisor as soon as possible since their letter will need to indicate their support for this timeline).
- Description of prior and future contributions to research in your academic field, and
- Description of your demonstrated commitment to fostering access, inclusion and opportunities for all to succeed in your academic field through specific actions or experiences.
* Note: Applicants are encouraged to take advantage of the full 600 words available for the personal statement to provide an in-depth and thoughtful response to the above prompts.
4. A letter of recommendation from the doctoral advisor (600-word maximum) that includes:
- Assurance that the student has exhausted all existing sources of funding, including multiyear guaranteed funding offers from their school or department and all possible TA/TF/GSA/GSR/fellow appointments and assignments.
- Assurance that the student is on track to defend their dissertation in the term of the fellowship,
- Description of the student’s progress on their dissertation to date (such as dissertation proposal approval, data collected/analyzed, chapters completed/approved),
- Description of student’s work plan/timeline that provides monthly or bi-weekly milestones, anticipated dissertation defense date, anticipated submission of approved dissertation, and a description of how you will help the student follow this timeline (such as through weekly meetings),
- The student's preparation and qualifications for carrying out this research,
- The value of the research topic to the specific field and to society, and
- The student’s demonstrated commitment to fostering access, inclusion and opportunities for all to succeed in their academic field through specific actions or experiences.
5. A second letter from the director of your doctoral program or department chair, that includes (250-word maximum):
- Confirmation that the student has exhausted all available sources of funding from the department and school, including multiyear guaranteed funding offers from the department or school and all possible TA/TF/GSA/GSR/fellow appointments and assignments,
- Confirmation that the student is on track to defend their dissertation in the term of the fellowship,
- Acknowledgment that the program or department will not provide funding to the student after the term of the fellowship without Office of the Provost approval,
- A brief description of the student's preparation and qualifications for carrying out this research, the value of the research topic to the specific field and to society, and the student’s demonstrated commitment to fostering access, inclusion and opportunities for all to succeed in their academic field through specific actions or experiences.
All applications materials will be submitted through InfoReady.
Review Criteria
- The likelihood that the student will submit their approved dissertation during the fellowship term.
- The student's preparation and qualifications for carrying out this research.
- The quality of the research and value of the research topic to the specific field and to society.
- The student’s demonstrated commitment to fostering access, inclusion and opportunities for all to succeed in their academic field through specific actions or experiences.
- Other internal fellowships the student has received (preference will go to students who have received fewer).
Application Deadline
April 21, 2025
Graduate Fellowship Advisor Dr. Josh Cannon is available on the Graduate Studies team to provide support to those applying for scholarships, fellowships, and other competitive opportunities. If you would like his assistance in preparing your application materials, you can reach him by email at We hope you take advantage of his assistance!
Please make sure your application contains complete information. Incomplete applications or applications that do not adhere to the directions will not be reviewed.
Questions about the application process? Contact